/*! Copyright (c) 2016 THE ULTRASOFT (http://theultrasoft.com) * Licensed under the MIT License (LICENSE.txt). * * Project: Parallaxie * Version: 0.5 * * Requires: jQuery 1.9+ */ (function( $ ){ $.fn.parallaxie = function( options ){ var options = $.extend({ speed: 0.2, repeat: 'no-repeat', size: 'cover', pos_x: 'center', offset: 0, }, options ); this.each(function(){ var $el = $(this); var local_options = $el.data('parallaxie'); if( typeof local_options != 'object' ) local_options = {}; local_options = $.extend( {}, options, local_options ); var image_url = $el.data('image'); if( typeof image_url == 'undefined' ){ image_url = $el.css('background-image'); if( !image_url ) return; // APPLY DEFAULT CSS var pos_y = local_options.offset + ($el.offset().top - $(window).scrollTop()) * (1 - local_options.speed ); $el.css({ 'background-image': image_url, 'background-size': local_options.size, 'background-repeat': local_options.repeat, 'background-attachment': 'fixed', 'background-position': local_options.pos_x + ' ' + pos_y + 'px', }); $(window).scroll( function(){ //var pos_y = - ( $(window).scrollTop() - $el.offset().top ) * ( 1 + local_options.speed ) - ( $el.offset().top * local_options.speed ); var pos_y = local_options.offset + ($el.offset().top - $(window).scrollTop()) * (1 - local_options.speed ); $el.data( 'pos_y', pos_y ); $el.css( 'background-position', local_options.pos_x + ' ' + pos_y + 'px' ); } ); } }); return this; }; }( jQuery ));